Technology Guide

DDN’s Technology Guides provide the information scientists need to get started with new instruments, methods, and services.

Each Technology Guide includes the following content pieces:

  • An introduction to the technology, including the top factors that new customers should consider when introducing your technology into their labs
  • A graphical overview of the technique
  • A table listing the key resources and products
  • A troubleshooting Q&A article based on an interview with a product expert

Generate leads with your technology

2024 Multisponsored Topics

Mass Spectrometry

Tandem mass tags (TMT) are powerful tools for proteomics that rely on isobaric chemical tags with different mass-to-charge ratios for multiplexed sample analysis. This technique enables concurrent comparison of multiple conditions, providing insights into differential protein expression, post-translational modifications, and protein interactions within complex biological samples. This Technology Guide will explore the fundamental principles and applications of TMT and discuss the considerations and best practices for TMT experiments.

Genomics and Sequencing

A Technology Guide for Metagenomics

Microbiome studies rely on 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing to identify microbes in a particular population. But sometimes knowing the identity of a microbe is not enough. That’s where shotgun metagenomics steps in. Metagenomics reveals the genomic information of all organisms in a sample, giving scientists insight on how each organism functions within the group. This Technology Guide will explain how shotgun metagenomics works, introduce best practices, and provide expert advice on starting metagenomics studies.


3D Cell Culture


Feature Fold


Take your posters to the next level with DDN’s new Feature Folds.
These extra-large pull-out inserts feature a poster that spans two tabloid-sized pages, a full-page Q&A article featuring an expert on your technology, and an insert cover page featuring title art above your advertisement.


Readers won’t be able to resist pulling the inserts from the magazine and hanging them on their laboratory walls.

Explainer Articles

Ask and answer an important question for your clients with an explainer article. Each explainer breaks down a bigger picture question into smaller questions and provides a thorough answer written by scientists for scientists. Custom graphics bring the text to life and clear up even the most complicated subjects.

Sponsor an explainer article from our editorial calendar, or partner with us to create a custom one just for you!

Generate leads with your custom explainer article

2024 Multisponsored Topics




Stem Cells

Science Milestones


Science Milestones detail the fascinating key events leading up to fundamental advances in life science research. Select from the topics on our editorial calendar, which are available for sponsorship, or bring us your own topic. We’ll do the research and present our readers with insights into your key technologies, methods, or equipment in a format that they want to read.

Generate leads with your science milestone article

Select a key discovery, technique, or instrument, and we’ll tell the story!

2024 Multisponsored Topics




Cell Therapy


Sponsor a planned poster, or schedule your own!
Posters are perfect for showcasing a technique, highlighting a new product, explaining complex scientific concepts, or detailing a new method. Pair your poster with a lead generation or promotional program to maximize its reach.

Generate leads with your poster


Work with DDN to turn your poster into a video.

We’ll provide you with the final video file and host it on our website to attract even more attention to your poster.

2024 Multisponsored Topics


Proteolysis targeting chimeric (PROTAC) technology allows researchers to tag specific proteins for degradation by the cell. PROTAC technology may overcome some of the shortcomings of traditional cancer drugs. This poster will introduce the mechanisms and applications of PROTACs in cancer therapy.

Immunology and Flow Cytometry

Flow Cytometry for Antibody Discovery

Approximately 20 percent of newly approved drugs are monoclonal antibodies. For many of these, flow cytometry played an important role in their development. Researchers rely on flow cytometry to identify the best antibody clones that bind to target antigens. This poster will detail the role of flow cytometry in antibody discovery.

Spatial Biology


Gene Therapy


Explore the list of webinars we have planned for 2024 and support those that reach your customers. Alternatively, connect with us to develop a custom event tailored precisely to your needs.

Our 2024 multisponsored webinars focus on the following topics:

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence


Antibody Drugs


with cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and others.


Cell Therapy

Tissue Engineering

Autoimmune Disease


Infectious Disease



Cell Therapy

Microbiome Biomarkers

Genetic Engineering

Custom Articles

Generate leads with your custom written content!

Research Product Highlights
Research Paper Summaries
White Papers
Custom Articles
DDN’s custom advertorial offerings are unique in the industry. We will tell your story and spread your message in a narrative engaging style that matches our various print content types. Select from a news story, a Q&A profile article, a traditional advertorial, or another article type that resonates with you.
The research product highlights section of our website gives readers quick, digestible information about tools and reagents that help advance science. Simply choose a product you would like to highlight, and we’ll do the rest.
Would you like to bring attention to key discoveries made using your products? Bring us a peer-reviewed paper, and we’ll create a research paper summary that presents the key methods and results in an accessible and engaging style.
We’ll work with you to provide all of the information necessary for your potential customers to make informed decisions about the tools and reagents they need to purchase for their upcoming experiments in a custom white paper.
We’ll talk with you to understand your goals, messaging, and audience, and then create just the content you need to educate your customers.

In this new podcast series, we cover the latest advancements in drug discovery by speaking directly with the scientists leading the efforts. Sponsor an episode from our 2024 calendar!

Women's Health
Infectious Disease
Machine Learning and AI
Gene Therapy
Antibody Drugs

We’ll speak with your product managers, customers, or key opinion leaders to update our audience on the latest and greatest scientific technologies, products, and breakthroughs. Our podcast products begin with a kickoff call. We’ll take it from there to conduct the interview, prepare the script and audio files, and promote the podcast to our audience!